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RF742 Rework Flux

RF742 Rework Flux

Kester RF742 is a high-viscosity, no-clean flux designed for electronic component rework and repair applications. RF742 has a gel-like consistency and is easily applied by syringe dispensing. RF742 can be precisely dispensed onto a specific area that needs flux in hand soldering operations. After being dispensed, RF742 stays in place until soldering occurs. RF742 was designed as the ideal companion flux for hand soldering a PCB that already includes the residues from Kester FL250D solder paste. Traditional problems experienced with controlling the application of low solids no-clean liquid fluxes are eliminated with the use of RF742. Residues that remain on surfaces after soldering are almost colorless, leaving a cosmetically appealing post-soldering appearance. The residue has high electrical resistance and can be left on the assembly after soldering. However, the residues can also be easily removed using traditional saponification cleaners, semi-aqueous or hydrocarbon-based solvents. Residues are compatible with all no-clean fluxes in the Kester product line. RF742 can be used in combinations with Kester no-clean cored wire solders and no-clean solder pastes, as well as no-clean liquid fluxes without any compatibility risks. Share
Type Description Part #
No-Clean RF742 10g S 42000054

Process Compatible Products